Astrología china: Explorando el zodíaco oriental explica nuestra «dotación natural» o «ser interior», nuestra personalidad desde el principio. Este arte de 5000 años de antigüedad pinta un cuadro notable de personalidad y potencial utilizando los arquetipos de los 12 signos del antiguo zodíaco oriental. Si bien cada uno de nosotros posee algunas cualidades de los 12 signos, cada uno de nosotros tiene un signo dominante y un elemento de nacimiento. Prepárate para algunos «¡ah, ja!» momentos mientras exploras este antiguo arte y obtienes una idea de los personajes que conoces a lo largo del camino de la vida. Puede notar similitudes interesantes con sus amigos y familiares, y es posible que nunca vuelva a verse de la misma manera. Este es un sistema atemporal que es tan pertinente hoy como lo fue hace muchos siglos. En un libro que fascinará tanto a los devotos de la astrología occidental como a aquellos que ni siquiera han consultado sus horóscopos en el periódico, aprenderás:
- Los doce signos del zodíaco oriental y lo que te dicen sobre ti y los demás.
- Los Cinco Elementos, y cómo tu elemento natal influye en tu destino.
- Signos de amor chinos, conexiones kármicas y los secretos de las almas gemelas. Tu «compañero» de la hora de nacimiento chino: tu otro yo.
- The symbolic Parable
- Find Your Chinese Birth Sign
- The Eclectic Rat (Tze) the "Concealed Charmer"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Rat's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Rat Woman
- The Rat Man
- The Durable Ox (Chour)- the "Head Honcho"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Ox's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Ox Woman
- The Ox Man
- The Noble Tiger (Yin)-the "Go-Getter"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Tiger's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Tiger Woman
- The Tiger Man
- The Detached Rabbit(Mao)- the "Artful Dodger"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Rabbit's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Rabbit Woman
- The Rabbit Man
- The Unpredictable Dragon (Chen)- the "Theatrical Visionary"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Dragon's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Dragon Woman
- The Dragon Man
- The Intuitive Snake (Si)- the "Learned One"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Snake's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Snake Woman
- The Snake Man
- The Decisive Horse (Wu)- the "Great Debater"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Horse's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Horse Woman
- The Horse Man
- The Creative Goat (Wei)- the "Capricious Artist"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Goat's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Goat/Sheep Woman
- The Goat/Sheep Man
- The Entertaining Monkey (Shen)- the "Merry Mercurial"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Monkey's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Monkey Woman
- The Monkey Man
- The Perfectionistic Rooster (You)- the "I Can Do Better Inspirer"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Rooster's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Rooster Woman
- The Rooster Man
- The Watchful Dog (Xu)- the "Vanquishing Vigilante"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Dog's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Dog Woman
- The Dog Man
- The Tolerant Pig (Hai)- the "Accommodating Pacifist"
- Essential Temperament
- The Other Side-the Pig's Duality
- Gifts and Capabilities
- The Child
- Home and Hearth
- Auspicious Carrers
- The Famous and the Infamous
- Summary
- The Pig Woman
- The Pig Man
- The Heavenly Stems With the Earthly Branches
- The Doctrine of the Five Elements
- The Yin Conductive, Producing, Supporting Forces
- The Yang Inhibiting, Controlling, Destroying Forces
- Wood
- Fire
- Earth
- Metal
- Water
- The Hor of the Rat
- The Hor of the Ox
- The Hor of the Tiger
- The Hor of the Rabbit
- The Hor of the Dragon
- The Hor of the Snake
- The Hor of the Horse
- The Hor of the Goat
- The Hor of the Monkey
- The Hor of the Rooster
- The Hor of the Dog
- The Hor of the Pig
- The Rat and Love
- The Ox and Love
- The Tiger and Love
- The Rabbit and Love
- The Dragon and Love
- The Snake and Love
- The Monkey and Love
- The Rooster and Love
- The Dog and Love
- The Pig and Love
- The Charming Rat (Tze)
- The Stable Ox (Chou)
- The Courageous Tiger (Yin)
- The Discreet Rabbit (Mao)
- The Outspoken Dragon (Chen)
- The Philosophical Snake (Si)
- The Talkative Horse (Wu)
- The Artistic Goat (Wei)
- The Entertaining Monkey (Shen)
- The Industrious Rooster (You)
- The Observant Dog (Xu)
- The Honest Pig (Hai)